Spanking is damaging

Iva B. Gordon
2 min readDec 5, 2022

As parents, we all want what’s best for our children. We want them to grow up to be successful and happy people who can contribute positively to society. Unfortunately, one of the most common methods of discipline among parents is spanking — and it may come as a surprise that this method could potentially have long-term negative effects on a child’s development.

Studies show that spanking can also lead to numerous long-term issues for children

When it comes to physical punishment, there is no denying that it can have an immediate effect in terms of stopping a certain behavior in the short term. However, studies show that spanking can also lead to numerous long-term issues for children, ranging from mental health concerns like anxiety and depression, behavioral issues such as aggression and delinquency, decreased cognitive ability and even physical health problems like lowered immune system functioning.

Spanking may also lead to increased levels of stress hormones in a child’s body which can cause damage over time if they are consistently exposed to high levels of these hormones. This kind of chronic stress has been linked with everything from weakened bones in adults to impaired learning abilities in children as well as heart disease later in life — all things that no parent wants their child dealing with down the line!

In addition, when parents use physical punishment on their kids they are teaching them that violence is an acceptable way of resolving conflict or punishing someone who has done something wrong — not exactly the lesson we want our kids learning!

The good news is that there are plenty of other disciplinary methods available for parents besides spanking; these include positive reinforcement strategies such as praising good behavior or rewarding desired behaviors with incentives like treats or extra playtime outside. Additionally, offering logical consequences for misbehavior (such as taking away privileges) or engaging your child in meaningful dialogue about why certain behaviors aren’t acceptable can be very effective ways of disciplining without resorting to violence.

Ultimately it’s up each parent individually how they decided best discipline their own children; however when weighing your options keep these potential long-term side effects associated with spanking top-of-mind so you can make an informed decision about how you choose go forward!



Iva B. Gordon

An over-worked parent balancing being a present, and well-informed parent, with also being the breadwinner.